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Beavers Community Primary School

Beavers Community Primary School

Living, Learning, Laughing

Beavers Community Primary School’s Vision Statement

“Beavers Community Primary School will, without excuse or compromise, provide the best start to life for all of the pupils in its care”.

At Beavers Community Primary School we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

Through PE & Sport our children learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work, and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude, and academic achievement.

What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?

‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’

(DfE June 2013)

We are working closely with and have identified key areas through a self-review process to ensure we can meets the high expectations in PE and Sport for our children.

 ‘Schools will also be required to include details of their provision of PE and sport on their website, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day’

(DfE June 2013)

We have used the Government’s funding to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in our school. We are committed to continuing to use this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and clubs for all our young people.

 Sport Premium Grant

Total no of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5-11( April 2016 )  618
Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received £10,26

Nature of Support

High Quality Physical Education: Raising standards of all our children in Physical education
  • Regular specialist support from qualified PE teachers or qualified sports coaches working with primary teachers to achieve high quality teaching and learning in lessons
  • Specialist support alongside the Primary PE co-ordinator in curriculum provision, mapping and lesson planning
  • Support in monitoring and evaluating the progress of pupils through assessment.
  • CPD opportunities for teachers in national and bespoke programmes in PE & Sport
  • Cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
  • Professional quality assured teaching modules & materials for PE & Sport
  • Development of student leadership programmes
  • Increase number of team-teaching and observation of expert PE teachers
Competitive School Sport: Increasing pupils’ participation in extra-curricular sport
  • Inclusive competitive opportunities, particularly in KS1 and pupils with disabilities or SEN
  • Support with intra and inter school competition co-ordination and delivery
  • A focus on the inclusion of girls throughout our competitive programme
  • Including more teaching staff in training for and traveling to inter school competition
  • Organised competitions at local/borough level
  • Half a term of tennis coaching provided by Dukes Meadow Tennis Centre
  • Half a term of rugby coaching provided by London Welsh Rugby Club
  • A year of basketball coaching provided by Richmond Knights Basketball Club
  • Daily multisport coaching provided by Conquest Football Club, with 20% of time focused on increasing participation amongst female pupils
Healthy Active Lifestyles: Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise
  • School based Health programmes and intervention strategies, including Healthy Eating Week (cross curricular with PSHE)
  • Change 4 Life club opportunities for ‘inactive’ young people
  • Intervention programme (Discovery Club) for pupils and parents aimed at increasing activity and good food choices of pupils identified as inactive, low attendance or low attainment
  • ‘Junior Play Leaders’ trained by PE and Play expert, to encourage positive and inclusive games at break and lunch time
  • ‘Senior Play Leaders’ deliver daily activities for pupils across the school during lunchtime
Self-Review & Quality Assurance: Measuring the impact of the funding
  • Monitoring of pupil progress through assessment in lessons.
  • Quality Assurance Mark – online tool for development and self -assessment
  • School Games Kite Mark support – monitoring competitive school sport